{Galleries}>>{Easton Cowboys & Cowgirls Galleries}>>{The Homies In The UK Gallery #2}

The Homies In The UK Gallery

(August 2001)

There are 3 pages in this gallery. This is page 2.

~ The Homies In The UK Gallery Contents ~
{#1 The Homies In Bristol (Photographs)}{#2 The Homies In Hambledon(Photographs)}{#3 Map}

#2 The Homies In Hambeldon


Hambledon Cricket Club was founded in 1750 and is where the rules of cricket were formalised. Here the Homies and the Popz played a match against a team of Aborigine cricketers from all over Australia who had also been touring England.

The Compton team took advantage of an impromptu coaching session from Australian test spinner Ashley Mallett, who had been touring with the Aborigine side. The Homies have adapted their baseball skills to cricket but still take every opportunity to learn more orthodox methods.

Either click the individual thumbnail images to view them full size or view the whole set as a slide show.

Compton Homies & Popz Cricket
Compton Homies & Popz Cricket
Ashley Mallet
Ashley Mallet
Ted Hayes

<<{#1} - Previous Page Next Page - {#3}>>
~ The Homies In The UK Gallery Contents ~
{#1 The Homies In Bristol (Photographs)}{#2 The Homies In Hambledon(Photographs)}{#3 Map}

Quod Vide
As well as the pages in this gallery there are other pages on this site that contain related photographs and text.

The Cowboys In LA Gallery - #1 The Compton Ashes (Photographs)
The Cowboys In LA Gallery - #2 The Homies At Home (Photographs)
The Cowboys In LA Gallery - #4 Cricket Could Save Your Life (words)
The Cowboys In LA Gallery - #5 Map

For external links related to this gallery go to the LINKS PAGE.
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{Galleries}>>{Easton Cowboys & Cowgirls Galleries}>>{The Homies In The UK Gallery #2} © R S Grove. 2001-2007