{Galleries}>>{Easton Cowboys & Cowgirls Galleries}>>{The Cowboys In LA Gallery #2}

The Cowboys In LA Gallery

(September 2000)

There are 5 pages in this gallery. This is page 2.

~ The Cowboys In LA Gallery Contents~
{#1 The Compton Ashes (Photographs)}{#2 The Homies At Home (Photographs)}{#3 DVCC (Photographs)}
{#4 Cricket Could Save Your Life (Words)}{#5 Map}

#2 The Homies At Home


The Homies and the Popz cricket team train at a small recreation ground in Compton. Here training has often been accompanied by the sound of gun fire mercifully thing remained calm as the Cowboys attended a Homies training evening session.

Ted Hayes' campaign for LA's many homeless people is based at the Dome Village, a halfway house for homeless people. Each fibreglass igloo houses two people and communal atmosphere helps homeless people rebuild their lives away from the prison-like hostels into which the homeless of LA are usually encouraged.

Either click the individual thumbnail images to view them full size or view the whole set as a slide show.

Compton Homies & Popz Cricket

The City of Compton Police watch the Homies training. Ted Hayes had had to inform then police that several vehicles of whites would be coming into Compton to avoid any undue tension. The Homies used to train to the sounds of gunfire however, according to Ted Hayes things have calmed down recently.

Ted Hayes

Ted Hayes leads a training session with the Cowboys and the Homies at a recreation ground in Compton. "When you take a run carry your bat like it's an AK-47", he tells them.

Compton Homies & Popz Cricket

Cowboys training with the Homies at a recreation ground in Compton. The Homies used to train to the sounds of gunfire however, according to Ted Hayes things have calmed down recently.


Cowboys training with the Homies at a recreation ground in Compton. Patrick from the Homies running the gauntlet, an exercise designed to make the batsman run his bat in properly.


Homies coach Leo watches training. Leo, originally from the West Indies played for Warwickshire during the 60's and 70's and now coaches several teams in LA.


Cowboys training with the Homies at a recreation ground in Compton. The Homies used to train to then sounds of gunfire however, according to Ted Hayes things have calmed down recently.

Ted Hayes

Ted Hayes leads a training session with the Cowboys and the Homies at a recreation ground in Compton.


A new recruit gets to grips with padding-up.


Homies coach Leo. Leo, originally from the West Indies played for Warwickshire during the 60's and 70's and now coaches several teams in LA.


The Compton Ashes. The graffiti pads presented by the Homies to the Cowboys after the match. The Homies hope to visit Easton to try and win them back.


Ted Hayes leads the chants at Dome Village.


From bullets to balls/ From Gats to bats/ From streets of concrete/ To grass and mats/ That's Cricket. Theo and Isaac Hayes perform the Compton Cricket Rap.


Easton Cowboy Jelly at Venice Beach.


Ted Hayes roller blading at Venice Beach.


Ted Hayes at a homeless demonstration out side LA Central Library. Ted and some of the Homies camped outside the library while it displayed a photography exhibition about homeless people in the USA. Homeless activists were not impressed by the exhibition that contained some photographs by Tipper Gore. They aimed to bring the homeless issue to the attention of affluent LA, sleeping rough is not tolerated here and banished out of sight to the dangerous streets of down town LA.


Homies' opening batsman Gecko in his cardboard shelter at a homeless demonstration out side LA Central Library. Ted and some of the Homies camped outside the library while it displayed a photography exhibition about homeless people in the USA. Homeless activists were not impressed by the exhibition that contained some photographs by Tipper Gore. They aimed to bring the homeless issue to the attention of affluent LA, sleeping rough is not tolerated here and banished out of sight to the dangerous streets of down town LA.


Ted Hayes at a homeless demonstration out side LA Central Library. Ted and some of the Homies camped outside the library while it displayed a photography exhibition about homeless people in the USA. Homeless activists were not impressed by the exhibition that contained some photographs by Tipper Gore. They aimed to bring the homeless issue to the attention of affluent LA, sleeping rough is not tolerated here and banished out of sight to the dangerous streets of down town LA.


Dome Village. A half way house for homeless people in down town LA. Each dome sleeps two people and is designed to encourage social village living instead of the prison like atmosphere of conventional hostels.


Dome Village. A half way house for homeless people in down town LA. Each dome sleeps two people and is designed to encourage social village living instead of the prison like atmosphere of conventional hostels.


Dome Village. A half way house for homeless people in down town LA. Each dome sleeps two people and is designed to encourage social village living instead of the prison like atmosphere of conventional hostels.


Dome Village. A half way house for homeless people in down town LA. Each dome sleeps two people and is designed to encourage social village living instead of the prison like atmosphere of conventional hostels.


Homies' opening batsman Gecko at Dome Village, a half way house for homeless people in down town LA. Each dome sleeps two people and is designed to encourage social village living instead of the prison like atmosphere of conventional hostels.


Basket ball at Dome Village. A half way house for homeless people in down town LA. Each dome sleeps two people and is designed to encourage social village living instead of the prison like atmosphere of conventional hostels.

<<{#1} - Previous Page Next Page - {#3}>>
~ The Cowboys In LA Gallery Contents~
{#1 The Compton Ashes (Photographs)}{#2 The Homies At Home (Photographs)}{#3 DVCC (Photographs)}
{#4 Cricket Could Save Your Life (Words)}{#5 Map}

Quod Vide
As well as the pages in this gallery there are other pages on this site that contain related photographs and text.

The Homies In The UK Gallery - #1 The Homies In Bristol (Photographs)
The Homies In The UK Gallery - #2 The Homies In Hambledon (Photographs)

For external links related to this gallery go to the LINKS PAGE.
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{Galleries}>>{Easton Cowboys & Cowgirls Galleries}>>{The Easton Cowboys In LA Gallery #2}  
© R S Grove. 2001-2007